
Creating Invoices


User Guide

If you have permission to create invoices for a lead or customer you can begin this process by clicking on the "Invoices" button on the lead or customer page on the main site. You can also create an invoice on the mobile site for both leads and customers. Quotes and credits can also be created with this tool.

In the lower section of the window that pops up, several fields are present.


Required Field. Specify whether you are creating an Invoice or a Quote.

Sale Date
Required Field. Specify the Sale Date for the Invoice/Quote.

Required Field. Specify the Term of the Invoice/Quote (Note: A Quote is never "due".)

PO Number
Enter the PO Number associated with this Invoice (if any).

Specify the quantity of the Item you are adding.

Specify the Item you are adding. (See the page in the "Administration" section of this website on "Invoice Billable Items".)

Enter the desired description for the Item, if the default description does not suffice.

Unit Price
Specify the price-per-unit of this Item, if you wish to override the default Unit Price.

This is a read-only field representing the total of this Line Item (before tax). Amount = Quantity * Unit Price

Specify the rate this Item should be taxed at if you wish to override the default Tax. If you use the SecurityTrax Sales Tax feature, this field will be auto-populated with the customer's state tax if an override/exemption has not been specified. (See the page in the "Administration" section of this website on Accounting for help with Sales Tax Settings.)

Trash Can Icon
This is used to clear all fields of the Invoice Line Item. NOTE: If you are editing an Invoice and you click this icon, the Invoice Line Item is removed permanently!

Specify any notes that you may have about this Invoice.

Sub Total
Read-only field auto-populated with the total of all Invoice Line Items before tax.

Tax Total
Read-only field auto-populated with the total tax calculated for all items.

Grand Total
Read-only field auto-populated with the sum of the Sub Total and the Tax Total fields.

Read-only field auto-populated with the amount of the Invoice which has been paid.

Read-only field auto-populated with the amount of the Invoice which remains to be paid.

At the bottom of the window, there are several buttons. A description of the buttons and their function is below.


Saves the Invoice and returns you to the screen containing the list of all Invoices for the customer and the ability to create a new Invoice.

Save & Stay
Saves the Invoice and keeps you on the page to edit the Invoice you have just saved.

Closes the window.

Add Row
Adds a new blank row to the bottom of the Invoice.

Add Unpaid Equipment
Adds all equipment on this customer not marked "Paid" and not present on another Invoice to this Invoice.

Add Activation Fee
Adds the customer's Activation Fee if it has not been marked "Paid" AND is not present on another Invoice.

Add Monthly Monitoring Charge
Adds the Monthly Monitoring Charge on the customer to this Invoice.

Create Recurring Invoice
Takes you to the screen used to create a Recurring Invoice.

If you are editing an Invoice you may also have additional buttons as shown below (depending on permissions):


Returns you to the screen containing the list of all Invoices for the Customer and the ability to create a new Invoice.

Deletes the Invoice.

Pay Invoice
Takes you to the screen on which you can enter a payment for the customer, auto-filling the Amount field with the amount Due on the Invoice.

Manage Payments On Invoice
Takes you to a screen where you can apply already-existing payments to this Invoice (or remove already existing payments from this Invoice). See below for more information on this page.

Save & Email
Saves the Invoice then sends an email of the Invoice to the email address on the customer.

Save & Print
Saves the Invoice then opens a printer-friendly version of the Invoice to be printed.(Note: Invoices can be printed in bulk from the Reports section of SecurityTrax. Also, if desired, Safari and Firefox allow you to specify to not print the URL/Date/Page #/etc. in the "Advanced" section of the Print Dialog.)