We're almost finished! Global Settings consists of various settings to further setup your instance of SecurityTrax.
Follow the step below to set up your Global Settings.
REMINDER: All BOLD fields are required in order to save.
Show City / State on Scheduler
Will display the city and state in which the appointment is located.
Show Install Tech on Customer List
Displays the Install Tech column on the Customers page that lists all the Customers.
Show Time Off Notes on Scheduler
Notes are able to be added to a Technicians blocked out schedule. Check this box if you'd like these notes to be displayed on the Scheduler.
Default Lead Status after Request From Queue
Once a lead has been requested by a User the status of the Lead will be updated to 'Leave Assigned' (the Lead will be assigned to the User who requested it), 'Queue' ( the Lead will not be assigned and can still be pulled out of the Queue), or 'Pending' (the Lead isn't assigned to the User who pulled it but it will not be in the Queue).
Minutes Lead Blacklisted After Requested
Determine how long a Lead will be removed from the queue after it has been requested to prevent multiple Sales Reps contacting the same Lead.
Queue Utilizes Partner Queue Priority
Tells your instance of SecurityTrax to use the priority structure from your Partner Company's instance of SecurityTrax for handling the Lead as opposed to your own priority structure.
Available From Queue At / Until
Set the earliest and latest that Leads can be requested from your instance of SecurityTrax using the Customers local time.
Allow Duplicate Leads To Be Posted After
Establish a length of time (in days) for how much time must pass before a duplicate Lead can be entered into your instance of SecurityTrax. You can also set it to 'Never Allow'.
Queue Priority
Establish the order by which Leads are to be contacted based on when they're entered into your instance of SecurityTrax. 'First In, First Out - Callback 1st' is the default setting. Meaning that Leads entered into your instance of SecurityTrax first will be called back first. 'First In, First Out' (Those with a callback time of 'now' don't necessarily take priority over those that have never been contacted), 'Last In, First Out - Callback 1st' will call the latest Lead first, and 'Last In, First Out' (Those with a callback time of now don't necessarily take priority).
Queue Ignores Leads Older Than
Tell your instance of SecurityTrax to disregard Leads that older than a certain duration so they no longer show up in any User's queue.
Queue Always Ignores Leads With Callback Times Out Of Scope
If a Lead has 'expired' it won't be returned when requested from the Lead queue.
Email Customer Appointment Reminders
Select to have a reminder sent to the Customer and the Technician 1, 2, or 3 days before the appointment.
Customer Reminder Emails
Identify the email template that is to be used for the appointment reminder email sent to your Customers and Technicians.
Auto Email Leads
Contact SecurityTrax directly for more information on this feature.
Email Daily Tech Schedules
Check this box if you want SecurityTrax to email your Technicians their schedules for the upcoming day.
Email Daily Sales Schedules
Check this box if you want SecurityTrax to email your Sales Reps their schedule for the upcoming day.
Email Payment Receipts By Default
Check to have SecurityTrax email receipts for all sales to customers by default.
Email From Name
Enter the name you want to display showing from whom the reminder and/or schedule emails are sent. (i.e. your company name).
Email From Address
Enter the email address you want displayed as the sender of the reminder and/or schedule emails. (For example, noreply@yourcompanyemail.com).