Understanding and setting up Permissions in SecurityTrax is likely the most time consuming part of your set up. Careful thought and planning is necessary. However, once completed, your instance of SecurityTrax will become an even more powerful tool to help run your business.
SecurityTrax comes with four default Permissions groups: Managers, Owners, Sales Reps, and Technicians. Note that you can change the names of the default permission groups and add more if you choose.
The Owners group is the only group which by default comes with permissions set to nearly all items (some access isn't granted for reasons described later). The individual listed on the SecurityTrax SaaS Agreement as the primary contact will be made a member of the Owners group by default.
The Managers, Sales Reps, and Technicians groups purposefully come with NO Permissions granted. This allows you to set each of these groups with Permissions that best fits how you do business because every business is different.
The most valuable exercise you can perform is to carefully review what each Permission does in SecurityTrax.