'Tech Schedule Objects' use Technician appointments created for a Customer as a reference from which to pull information for the message. If there are multiple appointments, you can select a specific appointment (i.e. Appointment Date and Time, and Technician Name).
Here is what was entered into the SecurityTrax Message Editor to create the sample above:
Note the proper format when using Objects and Fields. Begin with two percentage symbols %% followed by the Object Type [tech_schedule] followed by the desired Field [getUserFlname] in this case, then end with two more percentage symbols %%.
The table below contaings the Fields available for Tech Schedule Objects:
SAMPLE (where applicable) |
1b |
[getID] |
The SecurityTrax ID of the Appointment |
2b |
[getStartTime] |
The start time of day for the appointment |
00:00 AM or PM |
3b |
[getStartDate] |
The date of the appointment |
00/00/0000 |
4b |
[getEndTime] |
The end time of day for the appointment |
00:00 AM or PM |
5b |
[getServiceTypeName] |
The name of the appointment's service type |
Install, Service or any other custom service type |
6b |
[getUserFlname] |
The technician's first and last name |
7b |
[getUserLname] |
The technician's last name |
8b |
[getUserUsername] |
The technician's SecurityTrax username |
9b |
[getUser_id] |
The technician's SecurityTrax ID |
10b |
[getNotes] |
Notes that refer to the appointment |
11b |
[getUser_notes] |
Notes from the technician regarding the appointment |
12b |
[getTech_service_type_id] |
The SecurityTrax ID of the appointment's service type |
13b |
[getTech_service_detail_type_id] |
The SecurityTrax ID of the appointment's service detail type |
14b |
[getServiceDetailTypeName] |
The name for the detailed description of the appointment's service type |
XX |
15b |
[getFullAppointmentDateTime] |
The appointment's full date and time |
00/00/0000 00:00 AM or PM |
16b |
[getCheckinDateTime] |
The date and time the technician checked into the appointment |
00/00/0000 00:00 AM or PM |
17b |
[getCheckoutDateTime] |
The date and time the technician checked out of the appointment |
00/00/0000 00:00 AM or PM |
18b |
[getCustomerLeadCompanyName] |
The partner company's name tied to the customer on the appoitnment |
19b |
[getCustomerLeadCompanyID] |
The partner company's SecurityTrax ID tied to the customer on the appointment |
20b |
[getMileageFromTechHome] |
The number of miles as the crow fiies between the appointment and the tech's home |
21b |
[getEnRouteToCustomerTime] |
The time the technician marked themselves as EnRoute to the appointment |
22b |
[getEnRouteToCustomerMileage] |
The number of miles as the crow flies from the EnRoute check in point to the appt. |
23b |
[getEnRouteToCustomerMileageRounded] |
The number of miles as the crow flies (rounded to a whole number) from the EnRoute check in point to the appt. |
24b |
[getCustomerFlname] |
The first and last name of the customer on the appointment |
25b |
[getCustomerFullAddress] |
The customer's full address |
26b |
[getUserCellPhoneFormatted] |
The technician's cell phone |
(000) 000-0000 x000 |
27b |
[getCustomerPrimaryPhoneFormatted] |
The customer on the appointment's home phone number |
(000) 000-0000 x000 |
28b |
[getCustomerAccountNum] |
The customer's account number |
29b |
[getCustomerNoteId] |
The SecurityTrax ID of the appointment's ticket |
30b |
[getCustomerId] |
The SecurityTrax ID of the customer on the appointment |
31b |
[getProfileName] |
The Securitytrax profile name of the company that scheduled the appointment |
32b |
[getUserImageUrl] |
A url that will display an image of the technician in the email if there is a photo in ST |