SecurityTrax comes with a powerful Notifications system which can be administered from three different levels: Global Settings, Mid Level , and User Level:
This level controls all Notification settings within your instance of SecurityTrax. To administer, an Admin would:
Will remove that notification from showing up for anyone on any other Notification Management screen.
If checked then those types of Notifications will be sent to all applicable Users.
Will send the Notification to the User via email.
Will send the Notification to the User via SMS Message. (Note: a $.05 per message charge may apply if the User doesn't have their cell carrier identified.)
This level of notifications allows an Admin or Manager to further limit or grant the types of Notifications that a User would receive. An Administrator or Manager would:
Company Enabled
If checked and grayed out it means that a Global Level policy has been set for that particular type of message and applicable Users will receive that type of notification unless it's controlled at this Level.
Will remove that notification from showing up for anyone on any other Notification Management screen.
If checked then those types of Notifications will be sent to all applicable Users.
Will send the Notification to the User via email.
Will send the Notification to the User via SMS Message. (Note: a $.05 per message charge may apply if the User doesn't have their cell carrier identified.)
This allows the User to control, to a certain extent, what Notifications they receive. To make changes, a User would:
Company Enabled
If checked and grayed out it means that a Global Level policy has been set for that particular type of message and applicable Users will receive that type of notification unless changed at the Mid Level.
Will remove that notification from showing up for anyone on any other Notification Management screen.
If checked then those types of Notifications will be sent to all applicable Users.
Will send the Notification to the User via email.
Will send the Notification to the User via SMS Message. (Note: a $.05 per message charge may apply if the User doesn't have their cell carrier identified.)
Once you've completed setting up the Global Settings Level of Company Notifications your instance of SecurityTrax is ready to begin entering Leads and Customers.