


Expanded Setup Guide

In order to import leads you must follow the following steps:

Use this Column Definitions guide to understand which columns are which.

NOTE: Items in BOLD are required. If you do not have data for specific optional fields, please delete the column completely.



source_id The numeric ID representing the source from the partner company
campaign_id The numeric ID of the campaign within the Partner Company
lead_type_id Used as a manual override to the receiver's default settings.
Possible values are...
2 = Pending
3 = Queue
lead_purchase_price Price the reciever will pay for the lead. Should be a numeric value without dollar sign in form xx.yy
fname First name of the lead
lname Last name of the lead
address1 First line of the lead's address
address2 Second line of the lead's address
city City of the lead
state State of the lead. Must be the 2 letter state code
zip Zip code of the lead. Only numbers no hyphens etc.
phone1 Primary phone number of the lead. Numbers only.
phone2 Cell Phone number of the lead. Numbers only.
phone3 Work Phone number of the lead. Numbers only.
phone4 Other Phone number of the lead. Numbers only.
email Email Address of the lead
lead_comments Any comments originating from the lead.
contact_time Any textual representation of the best time to contact the lead. Limit 50 characters.
lead_source_info Information regarding the source of the lead.
lead_company_unique_id Unique ID of the lead in the senders system
lead_home_ownership Ownership state of the home to the lead. Possible choices are "Own" "Rent" "Lease" "Other"
lead_callcenter_rep The ID of the Rep who generated the lead
lead_callcenter_notes Any notes specific to this lead from the sender
lead_promo_code The promotion code from the senders perspective used to generate this lead
lead_custom1 Custom Text Field
lead_custom2 Custom Text Field
lead_custom3 Custom Text Field
lead_custom4 Custom Text Field
spouse Name of the lead's spouse.
lead_rep_id The ID of the rep who the lead will be automatically assigned to.
lead_callback_date The callback date and time for the lead. Format YYYY-MM-DD
business_name The Business Name on the lead record
account_type The Type of account, "Residential" or "Commercial" only options
business_contact The Business Contact on the lead record
cross_street The Cross Stree on the lead record.
ssn The Social Security Number on the lead record
birthdate The Birthdate on the lead record.