
Pending Equipment


Administration Guide

Purchase Orders

Purchase orders are used to get new equipment into the system.

To create a PO:










Mark equipment as received and close a PO:









Return Merchandise

Return Merchandise can be used to send faulty/unneeded equipment back to your suppliers when appropriate.

To create an RMA:











Spillage reports are typically used as a means to remove faulty equipment from a recipient's on hand counts. They may also be used by a warehouse manager with the correct permissions if a technician brings back a bunch of defective equipment to the office with no explanation of the defect. A manager can then bulk spillage by type of equipment and edit the appropriate quantities. 

Optionally, spillage can be used as a precursory step before creating a Return Merchandise report.

A typical workflow would involve recipients adding spillage to an open spillage report during a month (the time period can be adjusted as needed). After the given period of time an administrator can Lock the spillage report preventing further adjustments. At that time the recipient would then physically ship all the defective equipment back to the central warehouse, except lost or missing equipment. The items would then be reviewed by your back office and the spillage report could then be closed. Optionally, spillage reports can be converted to Return Merchandise reports for return to the appropriate vendor.

NOTE: Spillage reports differ from POs and RMAs due to the fact that addtional equipment can be added after creation. Items can continue to be added to spillage reports until it's status is Locked or Closed.

To create a Spillage Report: