Obtaining a block(s) of account numbers enables a more streamlined process when setting up and shelling a customer account. SecurityTrax supports one block of 2-way account numbers and one block of non 2-way account numbers.
Here are the types of account numbers available from BRINKS:
768554857 - 768554871 |
Digital Primary |
1,2,3 |
8444903051 |
813170008 |
N/A |
768554872 - 768554886 |
Digital w/ 2way |
1,2,3 |
8444903051 |
813170008 |
N/A |
768554887 - 768554901 |
Digital w/ Cell Backup |
1,2,3 |
8444903051 |
813170008 |
Alarm.com |
768554902 - 768554916 |
Digital w/ Cell Backup & 2way |
1,2,3 |
8444903051 |
813170008 |
Alarm.com |
768554917 - 768554931 |
Cell Primary |
1,2,3 |
8444903051 |
813170008 |
Alarm.com |
768554932 - 768554946 |
Cell Primary w/ 2way |
1,2,3 |
8444903051 |
813170008 |
Alarm.com |
768699546 - 768699560 |
Digital w/ Cell Backup |
1,2,3 |
8445561431 |
813170008 |
Alarmnet |
768699561 - 768699575 |
Digital w/ Cell Backup & 2way |
1,2,3 |
8445561431 |
813170008 |
Alarmnet |
768699576 - 768699590 |
Cell Primary |
1,2,3 |
8445561431 |
813170008 |
Alarmnet |
768699591 - 768699605 |
Cell Primary w/ 2way |
1,2,3 |
8445561431 |
813170008 |
Alarmnet |
Obtain your block(s) of account numbers from BRINKS, then create a SecurityTrax Ticket, and include the account number block(s) and any relevant details in the SecurityTrax ticket.
SecurityTrax developers will enter your account number block(s). When you create a new customer record in SecurityTrax and 'BRINKS' is selected as the Monitor, a 'Request' button will show up next to the Account Number field. Check the 2-way Voice checkbox located in the Installation & Equipment Information section if it's going to be a 2-way account. Click Save & Stay, then click the Request button. The next 2-way account number in your block will be placed automatically. Click Save or Save & Stay.
If the account isn't going to a 2-way account, simply click the Request button after selecting BRINKS as the monitor. The next non 2-way account number in your block will be placed automatically. Click Save or Save & Stay.
This concludes the setup portion of the BRINKS integration. The next steps provide details about how to put it to work.