
United Central Control


Integrations Guide


Welcome to the United Central Control information sync.  Here you'll find details on how to sync customer records from SecurityTrax to United Central Control. This is a fairly simple process, and learning it is quick.

The syncing includes the following information: Account information (first name, last name, phone numbers, address, abort code, etc.), Emergency Contact Information (names, phone numbers), Equipment Information (name, zone, zone description), etc.

The process is set up to be a streamlined one-way sync.  It happens in real time when pertinent information is saved within SecurityTrax.  This allows you to have users perform all of their daily actions in SecurityTrax rather than constantly switching between SecurityTrax and United Central Control to manually update information when it changes.

The page and its contents are still a work in progress and will likely be updated, so be sure to check back!

Administrative Setup

Before syncing customer records to United Central Control, you'll need to take care of some administrative items, as outlined below.

Required Steps:







 Create a Monitoring Company

 Enable Dynamark Permissions

Customer Creation

To start the sync process, you must first create a Customer within SecurityTrax (or convert a Lead to a Customer).








 Dynamark Customer Creation



Now that you've created a customer record, you're ready to sync the customer record to United Central Control.





 Sending A Customer To Dynamark


 Options After A Customer Is Sent To Dynamark

Continued Usage

Now that you've created and synced the Customer Record, what happens when you make changes in SecurityTrax?





Account Maintenance

If you need to make adjustments to the United Central Control credentials from the "Administrative Setup" section of this document, provide these changes to SecurityTrax as soon as possible, as the integration will cease to function if the credentials are changed/invalidated.