
Creating Tech Appointments


Integrations Guide


Posting to SecurityTrax is done via raw http post. In order to perform this action you will need the following information:


Partner ID

This is the unique ID that SecurityTrax assigns to the partner company. Source ID Provided by the company using SecurityTrax.


Set by company using SecurityTrax. Provided by them.


Set by company using SecurityTrax. Provided by them.


The unique SecurityTrax ID of the customer you wish to update.

Tech ID

Optional. The ID of the tech being scheduled. This should be left null when working with slot scheduling.

Start Time

Start time of the appointment in the customer’s time zone. 24 Hr format.

End Time

End time of the appointment in the customer’s time zone. 24 Hr format.

Service Type

1 = Install, 2 = Service, 3 = Rip-out

Service Detail Type

Optional. Values defined by the company using SecurityTrax.


Optional. Notes to be associated with the appointment.

Sample Request

The following is an example of a valid request.

<?xml version='1.0'?>
		<request type='GetSystemAuthentication'>
			<attribute name='Username'>Username</attribute>
			<attribute name='Password'>Password</attribute>
			<attribute name='PartnerID'>PartnerID</attribute>
		<request type="CreateTechScheduleBySecurityTraxUniqueID">
			<attribute name='SecurityTraxUniqueID'>9710</attribute>
			<attribute name='TechID'></attribute>
			<attribute name="StartTime">01/23/2014 7:30</attribute>
			<attribute name="EndTime">01/23/2014 9:00</attribute>
			<attribute name='ServiceType'>1</attribute>
			<attribute name='ServiceDetailType'></attribute>
			<attribute name='Notes'></attribute>

Sample Response

The following is an example of a successful response.

	<?xml version="1.0"?>
		<response type="GetSystemAuthentication" success="true">
				<message>Authenticated To System</message>
		<response type="CreateTechScheduleBySecurityTraxUniqueID" success="true">
				  	<ConfirmationStatusName>Not Confirmed</ConfirmationStatusName>