
6a) Create Order in ADT Integration Window


Integrations Guide

To begin the process of shelling an account through the ADT Integration click the ADT button on the Customer Screen. This button will not show up unless you have selected your ADT Monitoring Company option in the ‘Monitored By’ field.

Sale Information

ADT Button

Once you’ve clicked on the ADT Integration Button a new window will pop up. If a Pre-Check hasn’t run it will present a warning that it is not complete. Complete the Pre-Check by clicking the Pre-check button on the Customer Screen.

Create/Update Order Drop-Down

NOTE: The Integration window does not save your drop-down selections if you close the window creating the order. If you need to make a change to the customer in SecurityTrax, you may do so, but ensure that you keep the Integration window open and then right-click and select “Reload Page” on the Integration Window. This will preserve any selections or data you have entered previously in the ADT integration window. If you close the window to fix something, it will clear out your selections.

Installation Date and Estimated Completion Date fields will be auto-generated from SecurityTrax if you have not scheduled an Installation Appointment. Please ensure that you schedule an Installation Appointment in SecurityTrax prior to Confirming the order, or ADT may reject your account.

Make sure to properly select any additional Add On Services before submitting.